
Software Sinner
3 min readJul 3, 2020


This is my fourth write up and I will be discussing my experience with the machine “CMS” from CyberSecLabs. CyberSecLabs is a great platform, for people who are starting out with penetration testing. Shares was a fairly simple Linux box. A WordPress plugin wp-with-spritz was found vulnerable leading to a Remote File Inclusion(RFI).

Step 1: Enumeration

Started off with an Nmap scan and jumped right in. My first scan used default scripts -sC and version detection -sV. The second scan pretty much gave me similar results.

sudo nmap -sC -sV

The WordPress version 5.3.2 stuck out like a soar thumb to me. I ran WPScan against the IP and went down the list trying each outdated plugin with exploits until I reached wp-with-spritz.

sudo wpscan -- url

Step 2: Exploitation

I googled the plugin wp-with-spritz along with the word exploit and discovered this sucker.

The exploit shows that an Remote File Inclusion(RFI) is possible so I appended the exploit path to the URL and passwd puked out all user info.

Now that we know this exploit works I attempted throwing a reverse shell onto the system and had no luck. I cant stress how important it is to look around the main sites webpage for clues. I found a blog tab and it ended up giving me info on where the user angel stores his ssh private key.

Really dude?

I appended the path to the Remote File Inclusion(RFI) and obtained the ssh private key.

I took the key and copied it into a text file and attempted to convert it with ssh2john and it detected that it was not password protected. I then connected to the host directly.

sudo chmod 600 angelkey.txtsudo ssh -i angelkey.txt angel@

Step 3: Post Exploitation

First thing I do when I get access to the box aside of grabbing the user flag is run a couple of commands to see if privileges can be escalated:

sudo -lsudo -i

We see that all commands can be ran with no restrictions. So I escalated to root easily.




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